“Emanuele Sioux Blandamura” is a documentary film that tells the story of Emanuele Blandamura, an Italian boxer who fought for the WBA middleweight world title against Ryota Murata in Yokohama on April 15th, 2018. Directed by Riccardo Rabacchi, the film is a beautiful and intense account of Blandamura’s life, from his troubled childhood to his rise as a boxing champion. The documentary was a finalist in the 2022 International Sport Film Festival’s Documentary category.
Plot Summary
The film begins in the locker room before Blandamura’s fight against Murata, where he is seen preparing for the match with his trainer Agnuzzi. The documentary then takes the audience through Blandamura’s life, with interviews from those who have been a part of his journey. The film covers all 33 of Blandamura’s fights, with a focus on his four losses and how he overcame them. The documentary also explores the boxer’s difficult childhood, his Buddhist faith, his relationship with his partner Veronica, and his time training at the Gleason’s Gym in New York City.
The documentary is a tribute to Blandamura’s life and achievements, with interviews from his family, friends, and fellow boxers. The film does an excellent job of capturing the essence of Blandamura’s fighting spirit, his Buddhist faith, and his love for his family. The documentary also showcases the importance of resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity. The film is a reminder that it is not about the number of times you fall, but about how many times you get back up.
“Emanuele Sioux Blandamura” is a beautiful and inspiring documentary that tells the story of a remarkable boxer and his journey to the top. The film was a finalist in the 2022 International Sport Film Festival’s Documentary category. The documentary is a must-watch for anyone who loves boxing or is looking for inspiration in their own life.